Spring Commencement Information
Friday, May 9, 2025, at 11:00 a.m.
Gymnasium, PAW Center, Penn State DuBois
Instructions for Graduates
Follow these steps to be included in the Spring 2025 Commencement ceremony:
- Declare your intent to graduate: Check your degree audit (Academic Requirements) with your academic advisor to ensure that all graduation requirements have been met. Activate your intent to graduate on LionPATH. If the deadline has passed, contact the Registrar’s office for help completing this process.
- Check your address on LionPATH: Make sure your home and local mailing addresses are correct by visiting the Student Center in LionPATH. You will be receiving important graduation information by mail. Diplomas will be mailed to your home address 1-2 months after commencement, so it is very important that the University has your correct address on file. If you have any questions regarding transcripts and diplomas, please contact the Registrar’s Office at University Park at (814) 865-6357.
- Use the link below to register an RSVP for the ceremony.
- Complete the Post-Graduation Survey - Students MUST complete the online Post-Graduation Survey as part of the graduation process. COMPLETE SURVEY
At this time there is no restriction to the number of guests that will be permitted, and no tickets will be issued.
Please note that the event will be broadcast live for those who are not able to attend in person.
Disability Accommodations
Penn State encourages persons with disabilities to participate in its programs and activities. If you are a graduating student with a disability that requires assistance at commencement, please notify Laura Pentz, Assistant to the Chancellor, as soon as possible at laurapentz@psu.edu or by phone at 814-375-4705.
Purchasing Your Cap and Gown
All participants must wear the proper academic regalia (traditional cap and gown) to participate in the graduation ceremonies. All caps and gowns (for both baccalaureate and associate degrees) will be blue with a white tassel and are eco-friendly, made of a wood-based fabric from renewable, managed forests. Graduates and potential graduates who are participating in the Commencement ceremonies can purchase a cap/gown/tassel set from a University bookstore for $68 plus tax (Prices are subject to change). Penn State DuBois Bookstore has caps & gowns in stock in a variety of sizes. Stop by or contact the bookstore as soon as possible while all sizes are in stock. Honors cords will be provided for those students by the Registrar’s Office for those designated as graduating with honors. For class ring and graduation announcement orders, see Josten’s website at: http://www.jostens.com/; customizable announcements are available at the bookstore, as well as a selection of diploma frames.
The Commencement exercises the 2024-2025 academic year will be held on the Penn State DuBois Campus in the PAW Center gymnasium.
Graduation Day Lineup
Graduates are asked to assemble in the hallway (#211) in the PAW Center at 10 a.m. on the day of the ceremony. If needed, there will be a rehearsal at Noon on Thursday, May 8, for all those who would like to attend.
Commencement Questions
Please direct questions to Laura Pentz, Assistant to the Chancellor/CAO, laurapentz@psu.edu or by phone at 814-375-4705.